starlight parade

How do you share a message with the public and create a memorable experience for them?


Client: Hand-Eye Supply

Completion Date: Summer 2011, Summer 2012

Location: Portland, Oregon

Project Size: 250,000 spectators!


Created by: Laurence Sarrazin

Design & Fabrication Team: Tobias Berblinger, Eric Ludlum, Spencer Norman, Christine Taylor, Jonathan Wilson

Code & Electronics Team: Paul Stoffregen, Mykle Hansen

Fabrication Volunteers: Kathryn Adams, Kate Bingaman-Burt, Steve Davee, Brigid Flood + Peter Nehring of Babylon Vintage, Ben Friedle, Christina Friedle, Nyco Herzog, Nicolas Gros, Jacqueline Karl, Joanna Kramer, JoAnn & Bob Ludlum, Brittany Reiff, Jacob Reiff, Lindsie Seitz, Derek Rensing, Darra Rensing, Kelsey Snook, Chris & Anne Weiland, Charlie Wolff, Matt Youell, John Zinkand

Sign Painting: Jose Solis

ADX Crew: Mike Beam, Eric Black, Meredith Frengs, Seamus Holley, Kelley Roy

Materials: Bamboo Revolution